Humor and Caregiving Resources

Compiled by Daniel Leffingwell MS, RN

Bethea LS, Travis SS, Pecchioni L. Family caregivers' use of humor in conveying information about caring for dependent older adults. Health Commun. 2000;12(4):361-76.

Buffum MD, Brod M. Humor and well-being in spouse caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Appl Nurs Res. 1998 Feb;11(1):12-8.

Cooper, J.K. Alzheimer’s Disease: The Value of Humor. Retrieved on from

Empowering Caregivers. Retrieved on , from

Farran, C.J, Keane-Hagerty, E. Twelve Steps for Caregivers. The American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Related Disorders & Research, November/December 1989. Retrieved on , from

Kenefick, C; & Young, A. (1999). The Best of Nursing Humor. : Hanley & Belfus, Inc.

LaTour, K. (Winter 2003). Tumor Humor? Cancer isn’t funny – or is it? Cure. Retrieved on from

Lippert, L. The Humor Bond. Retrieved on , from

Lynn Ross, L, Holliman, D, , D. Resiliency in Family Caregivers: Implications for Social Work Practice.  Journal of Gerontological Social Work  2003 Nov, vol 40, issue 3.

Nissenboim, S (2005, February 9). Professional Caregiving: Using Humor for Stress Reduction. Retrieved on , from

Parrish M.M.; Quinn P. Laughing Your Way to Peace of Mind: How a Little Humor Helps Caregivers Survive. Clinical Social Work Journal 1999, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 203-211(9). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Sultanoff, S.M Welcome to Humor Matters. Retrieved on from